Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Day 238: Summer really needs to end.

I'm truly tired of the oppressive heat of summertime. I want the temperature to drop by about 15 degrees so I can start walking and working out again. I want to start building up my muscles and working off my loose skin and the heat makes that difficult to do. I want to get back to walking at work and going to workout after work. I'm less worried about losing the weight now and more concerned with just getting in shape. Stephanie likes me the way I am right now, but I think I can do better for both of us. I want to be in better shape for me and more attractive for her. Not that she doesn't think I'm attractive now, but I'm wanting to be better for her. I'm finding that it feels better to improve myself for someone that likes me just the way I am rather than to do it in some vain hope of regaining something I lost. I haven't asked her to become exclusive yet, but soon. I want to wait for the right time.

Maybe I'm finding my way to the happy ending everyone wants for me.

We'll see.


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