Monday, February 21, 2011

Day 42: Weigh in

I got up this morning, took care of business and stepped on the scale. Before I stepped on the scale, I looked in the mirror and said to myself, "Any loss is good, a stall is acceptable, gain is not acceptable." I then stepped on the scale and took a look. My weight went from 346 last week to 338 this week. 8 pounds gone, hopefully never to return! My total weight loss to date is 55 pounds.

Love you, Bobo!

I also had my 6 week follow up with the surgeon. They were very impressed with my loss so far. Of course by their scale I'm only down 50 pounds, but I was fully dressed at their office, so some difference is to be expected. I can deal with that. That is such a non-issue that there's no point in going further with it.

Had two walks at work, that felt good to do. I'm discovering that I feel better after any sort of workout than I do eating anymore. I'm going up to the workout room here in a few minutes and putting in my hour on the machines. Time to get this week off to a good start!

Bihar Arte!

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