Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Day 217: Blank blank blankity blank blank.

6PM: Not cursing (yet) but I have no good ideas for the blogspace tonight. What to talk about tonight...

Still stumped...

This is ridiculous...

Come on, brain! Work with me here!

I'm rapidly running out of time, so I'm going to pick a subject related to weight loss and just run with it.. Spinning the wheel of weight loss!


And the winner is...Diet plans/packaged meals. What the Hell? Oh, like Weight watchers, Jenny Craig, Nutrisystem, etcetera. Ok, I can expound on that with a little authority having been down both the Weight Watcher and Jenny Craig routes.

I don't think they will be all that relevant in the postop world of the sleever, mainly because the serving sizes are still over 4 ounces, but I'm going to go over it anyway. The basic idea is that you pay for the program, and then you buy the meals from them and go in for a visit once per week to weigh in, talk to the counselor and pick up more food. The meals are prepackaged and ready to microwave and a lot of them are very tasty. Some are not quite so tasty, and some are just plain gross. On top of that, you still have to buy a few things at the store to round everything out. The programs work as long as you stay on them and adjust your mindset for the maintenance phase after. Most people don't. They lapse back to old eating habits, old exercise habits and studies show that most people regain all of the weight they lost plus more on top of it. It's not pleasant. It happened to me. I used Jenny Craig to lose enough weight to get in the army, but once I got out and I wasn't working out regularly, it all came back plus a lot more. I was at 285 when I wanted to go in the army and I had to lose 75 pounds to qualify to get in the army. I weighed roughly 200 while I was in the army. When I decided to get my surgery, I weighed in at 420 pounds. So I regained almost 3 times what I had lost because I didn't retrain my mindset. Add in the costs and it's not worth it for a failure.

Weight watchers really isn't that different except you can buy the meals at almost any store. But I hate dealing with the fershlugginer' point system. No thanks.

For me, the surgery was the single best thing I did for weight loss. I have to change my mindset to succeed and I have successfully changed it. I am more active and outgoing, I eat far less and I am satisfied with the amounts I eat. I think I will probably make my goal weight ahead of my 1 year sleeveaversary, and I'm ok with that. To go from 420 pounds to 200 pounds in a year or less will be an incredible accomplishment.

Auf Weidersehen!

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