Saturday, August 20, 2011

Day 221: Expounding on the concept of exercise

I've noticed that so many people think that exercise means joining a gym and that's the end all of it. The reality is anything that gets you active can qualify as exercise. Walking, biking, running, going for a hike, dancing, even sex qualifies as getting exercise (and one of the more enjoyable forms of it too).

To that end, now that I'm below the 250 mark, I have to seriously consider more strenuous workouts. I'm going to see my doctor again next week and see if he will release me to go back to the Krav Maga classes. If not, then I'm going to join a gym for sure so I can get access to the heavy weights and a trainer. I need to start rebuilding now that I'm so close to my goal weight.

Not much else to say, it's stil early in the morning and I have plans for today so I will blog again tomorrow.

Ser deg senere!

1 comment:

  1. I've been told now is the time for weight training too. So, off to go by a few weights because the only time I have for that is late at night. :O(
