Sunday, July 10, 2011

Day 180: Six Months post op

So today is officially my six month sleeveaversary. 6 months ago I really started this journey and it has been a series of revelations, both major and minor, big and small. Physical and emotional. This was one of the most life altering decisions I have ever made. It ranks up there with joining the Army, getting married, the birth of my daughter, and my divorce. As of last Monday, I've lost a total of 156 pounds. I'm almost at the weight I was when I got out of the Army, and that's a real kick for me.

At the going away party I went to last night, I had lots of people telling me how good I was looking. My date asked me if I ever get tired of hearing that and I said No. It feels great to hear that being said, every time I hear it. It ranks up there with my high school classmates telling me I look exactly the same as I did in high school.

On the food side, I cooked myself up a 3 ounce cube steak for dinner and I was able to eat a little more than half of it before Bobo gave me the stop signal. I'm getting better able to tolerate foods now, and that's another good sign. I don't know if it's a good sign or not, but I actually felt some hunger today. It could have been head hunger, but I'm not sure. I just know I felt hungry. Fortunately, it was lunchtime so I took care of it. One bite and the hunger was gone, but I finished my lunch anyway.

Well, in a few hours I'll be saying my mantra and prayers and then stepping on the scale for my weekly weigh-in. I'm going to finish watching my movie and drinking my water and then off to bed so I'm properly rested for work tomorrow.

See y'all later!

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