My new jeans came in from Levi's last night. 42x32 size. I was a little hesitant to try them on, but I finally caved and tried them on right before bed. There is some dunlap, but it's not too bad. I should be able to wear these jeans for a few weeks before I have to replace them. The NSV came when I realized that the next pair of jeans I'll be buying will be in the 30's, not 40's. That was tremendously exciting for me to realize. The next size jeans I will buy will be 38's. Hopefully the last size of jeans I will buy will be 34's and I won't need to buy any other size from there on.
I've realized the balancing act is between resisting spending money on clothes that will be too big for me in a few weeks versus buying the right median size while I'm losing weight that will last a while longer. For example, if I had bought 42's for my reunion, they would have fit just fine come the Saturday of the reunion. It makes me glad that I didn't buy a suit for the reunion. I'm going to hold off on any major clothing purchases like suits, etc. until I get to my goal weight and stabilize. Once I get to that goal weight and stabilize, I'm going to buy a whole new wardrobe and clean sweep all of my old clothes.
I'm going to start pricing out gym memberships over the next couple of weeks and start doing that lifting that my doctor wants me to do to build muscle. I'll also need to meet with a trainer and tell them what I'm wanting to accomplish so they can help me build a program. It's going to be exciting!
I've seen where people say they did well on one week so they can slack a little. My mindset is more along the lines of "I'm doing well overall, but I'm not there yet so I can't slack off." I'm careful of my protein and water intake and I get exercise. Paying attention to the protein and water intake is about the only thing I worry about. Other than that, I don't worry about what I eat so much but I stay away from junky stuff out of habit now. Junky stuff tends to upset my stomach. Probably because of the high fat content. Also I see where newbie sleevers (I know I'm only 6 months out and technically still a newbie) are feeling down because they haven't lost as much as they thought they would. Also their energy levels have not come up the way they were expecting them to. If you think you're losing slow, compare your weight loss since being sleeved to your weight loss from the year prior to the sleeve. Is there a big difference?
I thought so.
As far as the energy levels are concerned, there are two major things that impact those energy levels that you have to take into account. The first is your healing factor, i.e. do you heal fast or slow. If you heal fast like I do, your energy will probably return within a month or so. If you are a slow healer, your body is probably still healing and it is using a lot of energy to do that. The second factor could be some sort of vitamin or mineral deficiency. You need to get labs pulled to find that out. That's why I have been consistently seeing my Primary Care Physician every month, so he can order labs and monitor my progress and make adjustments to what I'm doing. An example of that was my Testosterone and B vitamin levels were low, but my Iron levels were way too high, so he told me to stay off of the iron tablets entirely (iron takes forever to get out of the body) and he started giving me testosterone and B12 shots every month. If your energy levels are low, get those labs pulled and find out what's going on. Also make sure your primary care physician is kept in the loop. They are more familiar with your medical history than the surgeon or weight loss center will be.
Anyway, I hope my little blog has provided you some insight or entertainment in this transmission.
Tune in tomorrow for another enlightening missive from your not-so humble scribe.
Same bat time, same bat channel!
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