Friday, July 22, 2011

Day 192: A lesson from Captain America...

I just went to go see the movie. It is AWESOME!!!!! Awesome cake with Awesome filling and Awesome frosting on top! I refuse to talk about it and spoil anyone's fun. Go see it and stay through the credits. You won't regret the extra 7 or 8 minutes to see the bit at the end.

The lesson I want to share that I gleaned from the movie is that before he became Captain America, Steve Rogers was literally a 90 pound weakling, couldn't fight his way out of a wet paper bag. He got picked on and bullied all the time. But he never gave in, never gave up and never quit. Even if he knew he would lose, he kept pushing, kept going. On this journey of weight loss, we have to do the same thing. We might get discouraged, we might want to quit, we might want to just say [FOXTROT] it all. We can't allow ourselves to do that. We have to take a little bit of Steve Rogers along with us and say to the bullies of laziness and the carb fiends "I will not quit, I will not give up, and you can't stop me!"

A quick editorial review: In addition to being a great story, there is also some very serious eye candy whether you prefer male or female. You have the good Captain and his love interest, Agent Carter, both of whom are very easy on the eyes. They are both excellent examples of male and female anatomy. He's very buff and built without being grotesquely ripped and she has all the right curves and is very well stacked, as evidenced by both her uniform and the dress she changes into later on in the movie. When I saw her in the dress my first reaction was "Yum!" If you are the kind who prefers fancy toys, guns, and big explosions there's plenty for you too.

Where was I? Oh, right, the lesson from the movie. Actually, I pretty well covered that already so I don't need to elaborate further.

I'll be going out of town tomorrow for sure without a computer, so I'll post early tomorrow morning and late Sunday to get the posts in.


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