Sunday, July 17, 2011

Day 187: AAR on the LARPing

I went to the game last night as planned, with my eyes and mind open prepared to observe. While I'm still getting my head around the rules, The most important thing I observed is that this was a completely social event. No number crunching, no dice rolling, no miniatures or maps. Just playing a part like an actor. I had a good time doing it and I think I'll be going to the next game next month. Everyone was friendly and outgoing and willing to explain exactly what was going on at any given time, so I felt very welcome. It was a nice change of pace from my recent social events. Not necessarily better, just different.

One thing I noticed was the large amount of protein being consumed. They had done a cookout for the game, and there was lots of chicken and hamburger and hot dogs to slide on down. I didn't partake, having already taken my protein and water prior to the game. Of course, I also noticed plenty of chips and soda going down as well. I didn't partake of those, either. I'm too far along to my goal weight to start sabotaging it now. I did make sure to drink plenty of water and I had a boost of good quality protein when I got home last night. I went to bed about midnight and slept for about 7 hours and went to the store and did my grocery shopping for the week. Then I came home and just had an easy Sunday.

Tomorrow is my weigh in and I will be posting those results sometime tomorrow as well.


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