Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Day 86: I feel a blank slate coming on today...

86 days in and I'm drawing a blank to write about anything today. Protein's good, water's good, exercise is good. Everything is good today as far as my weight loss is concerned. I woke up with a horrible pain in my right rotator cuff and any movement of my arm much above my ribs resulted in shooting pains. Had a dull day training on something I was already trained on 2 years ago, but whatever. Then my allergies decided to kick in about half way through the training. Not a pleasant day overall. If this shoulder pain doesn't fade soon I may get my pain killers out so I can sleep through the night.

I was talking to a certain someone today and at the end of the conversation, I slipped. I said the 3 words that will simplify or complicate a relationship beyond measure. It's not that I don't feel that way or I don't want to say it, but there's so much going on right now and I don't want to stress her out about what's going on between us. She's trying to buy a new house and she's got her own sleeve coming up shortly and she doesn't need any more stress in her life right now. I want to be supportive for her right now and things will work out in time. Maybe it gave her a lift by hearing it. I hope so.

I guess I had more to talk about than I thought....


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