Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day 57: An observation on focusing energies

Over the last few weeks, my weight loss has been phenomenal. 66 pounds in 8 weeks really is amazing, but I'm wondering how much of that success is coming from the focus I have on something I really want in my life. There's no doubt that I want the weight loss, I want to live longer, I want to get in shape, but behind it all is a deep-seated desire for something I'm wanting in my life. It's not something I can just go out and take. This is something that has to be earned and given freely. But that one thing is ever present in my mind. It pushes me to work out the way I do, it pushes me to change, it pushes me to get out and really do things now, to take an active role in the world instead of sitting back and letting the world go by. I know, deep in my heart, that if I already had what I want I wouldn't be nearly as focused on this weight loss. The weight loss isn't the absolute determinant of whether or not I will receive what I'm seeking, but it will help me change and that may be the determining factor in whether or not I will get what I want.

The last time I had this kind of focus to complete something was in basic training. Then I discovered that when I'm properly focused I'm very hard to stop and damn near impossible to sway from my course once I've started. You don't worry about the time it takes, you don't care how hard the road is, you don't care how many times you fall down. You pick yourself up and keep on going. If the goal is on top of a tree, you climb and don't worry about falling. Get to that goal. Sometimes, the people closest to you will try to shake your focus and get you to stop the pursuit. You don't let them stop you or even slow you. If you believe in yourself and what you seek, nothing will stop you. Sometimes, absolute belief is the only thing you will have left. When that happens, let that belief lead you. When you get to that point and no one else can help, you have to stop and ask for guidance. Then, you have to stop and listen. Quiet everything down and listen. Everytime I've done that, somehow I received the guidance.

Once you achieve that goal, you hold on to it with everything you have and you don't let go. Never let go. You have fought and struggled too long for it to just let go. If I receive what I'm wanting, I will never let it go. I will hold on to it forever.

Au revoir.

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