Sunday, March 27, 2011

Day 76: Never volunteering again...

Walked into a total shitstorm at work today at 7am. Yet another major outage on our system and it had started at 10pm Saturday night. Not fun. I worked my 4 hours and hauled ass for safety. I couldn't take another 4 hours of pissed off customers screaming at me for something I can't fix and didn't have anything to do with. The extra money is not worth the stress.

Then I got delayed at Walmart by getting in a line with a lady buying her stuff with WIC and Walmart has to process each damn thing by hand. Not her fault, and not the cashier's fault. you would think that they would scan the card in and then run each item through without all of the bs, but NOOOOO! I had to wait in line 20 minutes to buy my stuff. AARGH!

By the time I got home, I was more than ready to log on to chat and send a pick me up to a friend. She's been having a bad time of it this week and I send little things to her to get her mind off of it. Movie quotes for her to try to identify or little jokes to make her smile. Just about anything to distract her from what's bringing her down. It always seems to work and she's appreciative of the efforts. My sister says, "Acts of Kindness are greatly repaid." I hope she's right.

I'm signing off for now, the transmission will continue tomorrow.


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