Sunday, March 13, 2011

Day 62: A new poem

Conversations with the Moon

I looked into the night sky and saw the crescent moon
Hanging in the sky, it's white light glowing with an aura
Of cool promise and gentle healing.
I sat back and slipped into the thousand-yard stare
And pondered on my life,
Wondering why things changed so quickly.

I compared my life to the Moon and its phases,
Thinking "how appropriate, a mere sliver of what it was before."
I tipped my head back and listened to the night, and
I heard a faint voice, ethereal in its quality
Whisper, "Your life is like me, but not in the way
you perceive it to be."

I stopped and listened, for no response was needed.
The voice took on a compassionate tone,
"Your perception of me is that I am a mere fraction of myself,
But that is only your perception. I am constant and full, but you
cannot always perceive that. Such is your life, young gazer.
Your life is more full than you perceive."

I asked the voice, "Then why do I feel so empty
when she is gone if my life is so full? Why do I only feel complete
When I am with her? Why can't I feel whole without her?"
The voice took on an amused tone, "It is only your
Perception that she is not with you. In truth, you two
Have a bond that goes far deeper than merely physical."

"This bond is not simply of your bodies or minds,
But of your souls. Do you think you alone have asked this question?
Everytime she sees me and shares it with you, that bond strengthens the two of you.
That bond cannot be broken by simple physicality.
It is precious to you and to her.
And this you know too well."

I smiled and sat back in my chair, and the voice changed
Back to the susurration of the night breeze.
I looked back at the moon and thought of her,
Wondering what she was doing right at that moment,
Wondering if she was thinking of me,
And knowing the voice was right...

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