Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Day 113: Support Group meeting tonight

Well, tonight was a very good meeting for the Gastric Surgery Support Group. Lots of talking and sharing of information and just general good feelings all around. Some people were there for encouragement, I tend to be the one there to offer encouragement. I told my story of my weight loss to date and went into details about how the hormone overdrive can make my mood swings truly epic in scale. This is the biggest drawback to losing the weight as rapidly as I have. The hormones can get really nasty in that case. I'm hoping that since my doctor has put me back on the Testosterone treatment it will stabilize the mood swings. It did help before I had the surgery, so here's hoping it continues. If the testosterone treatment stabilizes my emotions, I'll stay on it for the rest of my life if need be. I want my emotional stability back the way it was. Maybe if I can get the mood swings and emotions under control, I can get the rest of what I want in time. Sometimes it takes a while to get the whole picture and you can't do that if there are pieces missing from the puzzle. Once I get all the pieces, then I can put the puzzle together. I think I have the pieces, but it's going to take time to put them together.

I also tickled most of the group's funny bones when I told them of the 35 pounds to the inch theory and that we had two members in the group who were living proof that the theory works. A couple of the ladies weren't too pleased to find out their girls are going to shrink down and thought it was downright unfair that we regain inches...of course, you have to have the inches to begin with. You're not going to regain several inches if they weren't hidden by the fat pad to begin with. I'm lucky in that regard. Well, at least I think I am. And I've discovered that what I think is what really counts for me. What others think doesn't matter for shit in my head. Like me, don't like me. Love me or Hate me. Want me or not. My mindset is now along the lines what I want is what matters most. If I want it bad enough, I'll find a way to get it. Given the fact that I don't give up easily that won't bode well for anybody that chooses to get in my way.

My self confidence has increased by leaps and bounds to the point where I have no shame. I will say whatever may be in my head and I won't hide my body anymore. I'm going to order some better fitting clothes this next week or go get them from JCP. I'm definitely going to have try on some new shoes, since almost everything I have feels loose and sloppy on my feet.

I am hoping to get down below the 250 mark before too long and see if my doctor will release me for the Krav Maga class. I really enjoyed that class and I want to go back, but I'm going to wait for the doctor to release me officially before I do it. I'm looking forward to my class reunion at the end of next month. 25 years since I've seen most of these people. It should be interesting.

Well, that's all for tonight. I will post again tomorrow.


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