Saturday, May 14, 2011

Day 124: Saturday

I decided to take things really easy today given that I was still recovering from my Kidney Stone from yesterday. I got in plenty of water and kept my protein intake right at 110 grams instead of the 130 I normally shoot for every day. I also used my lortabs today to take the edge off the tenderness I had going down below. Needless to say, I was a little "fuzzy" most of the day. I definitely need to put those away until I really need them again. I do not like the fuzzy feeling even if the pain is completely masked by the Ltabs.

As of tomorrow, I'm going to hit the gym again whether I want to or not. While I went for my walk today I ran into this cute little latina and we talked for a bit while I was taking a rest from the walk and she told me how cute I was and that I would probably hit my goal weight before too long as long as I stay consistent and ramp up my exercising. I'm also going to try to cut back on my carb intake. I know it's been higher than it should be of late between having lean pockets and frozen fruit bars so I'm going to get back to good proteins for my solid foods

My friend is going to be getting her surgery here in less than two weeks and I really want her to have the same success that I've had. I think it will make a huge difference in her being happy with herself. She was there for me during my surgery and I'll be there for her during hers as long as I can be there. I'll give her as much support during her journey as I can. Now that we'll both be on the journey, we'll be able to support each other now. I think that's going to make a difference in the dynamic between us.

One step at a time, I suppose.

Min Tian Jian!

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