Saturday, May 21, 2011

Day 130: White Rabbit time...

"Oh no, I'm late, I'm late for an important date!"

Friday was one of those days where time was not on my side. Driving my daughter to school and traffic delayed us by about 20 minutes and then getting to work. Add 8.5 hours for work and that was busy as hell. Now go to get my daughter and there's a bad accident on the freeway going home and every detour was backed up at least 30 minutes. Took an hour and a half to get across town. Then I had to go to the drug store and pick up my cholesterol meds and that was another 20 minute wait. It was nearly 7 by the time we got to the condo and then her mom was another 45 minutes to come and get her and then I had to get ready to go out for my friend's last big hurrah night out before her surgery next Thursday. Didn't get home until well after midnight, so I figured "Might as well wait until morning to write the blog." So I went to bed, and here's the blog entry. So now you know why I was late.

But the night out was mostly a good time. She's been worried that I might be becoming an alcoholic because I actually drink alcohol when we're all out for a night out. I had to explain to her that I only drink when I go out and I don't keep alcohol in the condo. I still only had one drink and then stuck with bottled water the rest of the night to ease her mind. I don't think she quite understands that if I'm going to play nice with her man there, I have to get a little alcohol in me, but not too much. Enough to get a little buzz going but not enough to disable the "play nice" subroutines in my conscious mind. I did a little dancing and I was there for her when she asked me to be there.

I'll post again later today...provided we're all still here after 11am our time. The Rapture is supposedly coming today. After 42 years of doomsayers and prophets and just out and out whackos I pretty much discard it outright. The bible said it best:

See you later!

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