Thursday, May 19, 2011

Day 129: What a day...

Thursdays usually suck anyway, but when you have to pull two hours of overtime and then have to run your kid to music lessons, it feels like a whole new level of sucktitude comes in. Don't get me wrong, I don't begrudge my daughter the lessons at all, but 2 hours overtime and then eating fast food to make sure she gets there on time and then an hour sitting around waiting for her and not getting home until 8 at night is really draining.

I had one corn dog for my dinner and even that was a fight to finish. Fast foods and I just don't get along right now. I'm at the point where fast food holds NO allure for me whatsoever. They don't taste all that good when you eat them slow and they are usually so dry that eating them without something to drink is a losing proposition. Just a lose all around.

Getting home that late also pretty much guarantees no gym time, either. I don't like working out right before bed because it gets my heart and metabolism racing and it's hard to get to sleep. I did my walks at work, so it's not like I didn't exercise today. I just didn't exercise as much as I wanted to. Oh well.

And right now I'm listening to a 10 year old grouse about how her damn video game isn't fair because she's losing. This is normally where I would tell her to "Ranger Up". That's my code for "Be quiet, deal with it, and move on to the next step instead of complaining about it." I don't mind her whining or complaining about some things, but because she's losing a video game isn't one of them.


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